Friday, January 27, 2012

Rain Forest Animal Report

After reading Afternoon on the Amazon we each received an assignment to research an animal from the Amazonian Rain Forest.  After using the information from the web, we are putting our reports on the Kidspiration software. Our winter vacation slowed us down, but we will be posting each animal and some facts soon. Check back to read about all the interesting things we have learned.


Morgan said...

I did a report on the Ocelot. I learned they ambush their prey. The mother and farther take care of the babies.They live on the forest floor.They are black and orange.

Allison said...

I did a report on the Jaguar. I learned that they live on the forest floor and the understory, They are an endangered species and they do not avoid water.

Cameron said...

I did a report on the Gold Lion Tamarin Monkey. I learned that it got its name from its impressive mane, and their hair is red.

Bailey said...

I did a report. on the Giant Ant eater. It has a long nose, a tiny mouth, and is 7 feet long.

Lizzy said...

I did a report on a Agouti. It can crack open a brazil nut and they are good swimmers but can not dive. They have a stocky body.

sabrina said...

I did a report on the Kinkajou.I learned that Kinkajous are closely related to raccoons. They have a painful bite.

Devon said...

I did a report on the Capybara.
I learned that they spend much of their time in water and dive. They may remain underwater for long as five minutes.

Thad said...

I did a report on the Tapir.
I learned that the Tapir is a herbivore and its predator is the jaguar.

Collin said...

I did a report on the Poison dart frog. I learned that that the poison dart frog is poisonous to touch and are bright colors.

Cynthia said...

I did a report on the Macaw.
I learned that the macaw eats ripe nuts, seeds, flowers, and ripe fruits. The macaw has strong toes,
bright colors, and blend in well with their environment.

Hannah said...

I did a report on the Three-Toed Sloth. I learned that he is camouflage
by algae. It stays in the same tree. They give birth up side down. They are the slowest moving animal.

Addison said...

I did a report on the Howler Monkey.
I learned that it is the loudest land monkey and an Endangered species. They are brown or black. They have long arms. They have five fingered hands. They have five toes. They have grasping feet,Long tails,2 to 4 feet long. They weigh 8 to 22 pounds. They live in troops. They have short snouts. They are Diurnal.They stay in small groups of about 12. Mother carries the baby. Only 1 baby at a time. They live high in the trees.

james said...

I did a report on the Keel- billed toucan. I learned that the toucan lives in the canopy. I learned a
toucan lays 1 to 4 white eggs.

Chayse said...

I did a report on the Spider Monkey.
I learned that they can be Black, Brown, Golden,Red, or Tan. They live in the Canopy and their Diet is Fruit, Seeds, Young Leaves, Flowers, Aerial Roots, Bark, decaying wood, honey, and insects.

Kendrick said...

I did a report on the Anaconda. It was cool. The Anaconda can weigh 550 pounds. It swallows it's prey whole.

Zeno said...

I did a report on the Black Caiman.They are Nocturnal. They are similar to the American alligator.

Gavin stockebrand said...

I did a report on the Blue Morpho Butterfly. I learned that females are not as colorful. They live in the Canopy and the Understory.

walter said...

I did a report on the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. Their diet are insects and small frogs. They live by ponds, streams, rivers, and other water sources in the Rain Forest.