Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bat Information


sabrina said...

love the music.

cameron said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. We went to the IDL to play a find your baby game. Bats are the only flying mammal. They are nocturnal.

Morgan said...

I learned about bats. They are very cool. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They are nocturnal. They hang upside down.

Chayse said...

I learned about bats. They are cool. A vampire bat doesn't suck peoples' blood. They eat bugs, some eat fruit.

Allison said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. Bats hang up side down in their cave. Bats are nocturnal or active at night.
We went to the IDL to play a find your Baby Game.

Devon said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. Bats are cool.
Vampire bats will not suck blood.

james said...

I learned about bats. They are
interesting. They see in the dark. Bats hang upside down. They eat fruit.

Hannah said...

I learned about bats.They are interestig. I learned that they can hang up side down.There are two kinds, one kind are a micro bats and the other is macro. They have furry bodies, webbed wings, and sharp teeth to catch food.

We went to the IDL to play find your baby game.

WALTER said...

I learned about bats. They are cool. Fruit bats eat fruit. Bats are the only flying mammal. They are nocturnal.

Lizzy said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. It was fun. We went to the IDL to play a find your baby game. Bats hang upside down. They are nocturnal.

Addie said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. I learned when they sleep
they rap their wings around them like a blanket. Bats are nocturnal. They
have fur.

Bailey said...

I got to be a mom at the IDL. I got to learn about bats at the IDL. Bats have a tiny thumb. bats hang upside down. Some bats eat fruit. They are the only flying mammal.

Kendrick said...

I learned about bats . They are interesting. We went to the IDL to play a find your baby odors. Bats are cool they are mammals.

Zeno said...

I learned about bats. Bats can fly and hang from trees. They are nocturnal. They are cool. They eat fruit and insect. Some are stinky.

Cynthia said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. They are mammals and bats are the only flying mammals. Bats hang upside down.

We went to the IDL to play a find your Baby Game.

Thad said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. The mom carries the baby. The moms nurses the baby.

Gavin stockebrand. said...

I learned about bats. They are interesting. Vampire bats don't drink blood they bite the animals and they lap up the blood. Did you know that bats are mammals?

Collin said...

I learned about bats. I learned that bats sleep upside down.For them it is right side. The flying fox is the biggest bat.

s said...

I learned about bats. They are cool. The flying fox bat's wings are six feet long.They eat bugs, frogs, pollen, fruit, and insects.