Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bee Keeper

Bee Keepers (Jack & Mrs. King)
Worker Bees

Our Second Grade Classes
On Wednesday, September 28, Mrs. Kari King visited our classroom. Mrs. King is a Bee Keeper. She shared her knowledge of caring for Honeybees. We saw the equipment she uses and learned all the jobs that are necessary to take care of the bees. A bonus was that Mrs. King brought in some fresh honey for us to sample. It was really fresh and tasted very good! She also brought in some soap and candles that she had made from the bees' wax.
Click on comments to see what your child learned and enjoyed about the Honeybee.


Morgan said...

I like the lesson on bees. I got to go sit in the chair. I was a cleaner, it was fun. I learned the queen gets fed royal jelly.

Cameron said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned the worker bees are girls and the boys are called drones.

Cynthia said...

I Learned that the queen mates with the drones.

Chayse said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned that the queen lays up to a 1000 eggs a day.

Devon said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned
bees have hair and the queen lays a lot of eggs.

Bailey said...

I like bees. I like when MRS. King came in. I would like to learn about bees again. I want her to come in again. I like when the boys mate with the queen.

Kendrick said...

I like the lesson on bee. I learned bees have cities. The girls
clean the hives. The boys mate with the queen.

Allison said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned bees drink nectar from flowers. The queen mates with the drones. The queen lays eggs.

Lizzy said...

I like the lesson on bees. We learned a lot about bees it was fun and we learned bees take care of the queen.

Collin said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned the girls are the workers and the boys are the drones. The queen just lays eggs.

Addie said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned
bees have hair. They have little baskets
on there leg to carry the pollen. The queen lays lots of eggs.

WALTER said...

I like the lesson on bees. Mrs. King's bees are cool and honey bees make honey.

James said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned the workers kick the drones out of the hive. There enemies a wasp.

Hannah said...

I likes the lesson on bees. I learned that the queen only lays eggs. The nectar sticks to the bee's hair. Mrs. King came in and told us about her bees.

sabrina said...

I like the lesson on bees.I learned that the boy bees mate with the queen.

Gavin stockebrand. said...

I like the lesson on bees. I learned about how the girls kick the boys out of the hive. The girls killed the boys.

Thed said...

I learned a lesson about bees.
That the queenbee shares the
royal jely with the new babies.
And the worker bees get the pollen
and they bring the pollen to the
babies. The drones mate with the queen.

Zeno said...

I liked the lesson on bees.I learned about the drones. They die when they are done mating with the queen.